I am also happy to announce that I have built an Quiltville Amazon Affiliate Store for all of those items that you can't live without, but aren't available through the Quiltville Store.
So many folks have asked where I've gotten this or that while setting up Quiltville Inn for retreats that it just made sense to have a place where all of these items could be easily found.
I do earn a small percentage for things purchased through my store, and that percentage is being used to keep Quiltville Inn up and running as we navigate our way through Covid and all of the things we need to do to keep retreats and retreaters safe.
With categories such as Quilting All the Time, Out On the Porch, Around the inn, Quilt & Sew Wear and more, including pet items - there is something for everyone!
Bookmark the Quiltville Amazon Affiliate Store and use it as your portal for your Amazon shopping. We will receive credit for your purchases, and we thank you so much for your support!